This chart comparing mid range CPUs is made using thousands of PerformanceTest benchmark results and is updated weekly. Find out how your PC compares with popular CPUs with 3DMark, the Gamer's Benchmark.

CPU Benchmarks Over a million processors benchmarked and categorized for your reference, giving you one of the most complete CPU benchmark directory. Using this advanced CPU Comparison tool, compare two computer processors or compare your current PC build - graphics card and processor - with a future processor upgrade and see if it is worth the upgrade. The difference in performance between each of the included CPUs was calculated as an average of differences in 11 multi-threaded benchmarks from our benchmark database. - Identify the strongest components in your PC. - Explore your best upgrade options with a virtual PC build. - See speed test results from other users. Below are comparison charts, showing how different microprocessors for Socket 1155 stand against each other in multi-threaded programs, or when running many programs simultaneously. Submitted baselines ratings are averaged to determine the CPU rating seen on the charts. Compare CPU - Compare PC Processor Gaming Benchmarks at 1080p, 1440p, Ultrawide, 4K . Thinking about upgrading? All of today's consumer, desktop CPUs compared, including Intel's 9th Gen Core series and AMD's Ryzen 2. This chart shows the CPUMark for various phones, smartphones and other Android devices.

Benchmarks of mid range CPUs. - Compare your in-game FPS to other users with your hardware. Compare processors To compare specifications of up to 7 microprocessors, or show a detailed comparison of any 2 processors from our CPU database, please select exact models or part numbers using one of the methods below. See the best Processors ranked by performance.

Compare cpus head to head to quickly find out which one is better and see key differences, compare cpus from Intel, AMD and more

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This chart compares the CPUMark Rating made using PerformanceTest Mobile benchmark results and is updated daily. - Compare your components to the current market leaders.

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