Fantastical 2 is a calendar app for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, made by the indie developer Flexibits and it claims to be a superior alternative to the stock Calendar app. Fantastical 2 for the iPad is hands-down a better approach to the calendar than Apple's, and that translates into a better overall experience for appointments, reminders, and managing your time.

「Fantastical 2 for iPhone」はFlexibitsが開発するカレンダーアプリで、UIの秀逸さに定評があり、iPhone版の他にMac、iPad、Apple Watch版があります。 特徴と機能 「Fantastical 2 for iPhone」の主な特徴と機能は下記のようになっています。
Fantastical 2がリリースされたのは2015年。今年が2020年なので実に5年ぶりのメジャーアップデートです。 これまでもMac、iPad、iPhone向けのアプリがリリースされていましたが、特に注目したいのがiPad版です。初代iPadが発売されてから10年経ちました。 Again, Fantastical 2 for iPad feels just like its iPhone counterpart. The settings are exactly the same too, which made it easy for me to set it all up the same way I have it set up on iPhone.

Fantastical 2 for iPad is a calendar app from Flexibits that accompanies their iPhone app and Mac app, offering a great calendar alternative.

けれども、最高の Fantastical 体験を iPad でお求めなら、iPad 専用の Fantastical for iPad をご利用ください。 Fantastical 2からアップグレードしました。私が既に支払った機能はどうなりますか?
But Simmons isn't dissuaded from his vision. I simply grabbed my iPhone and went to Fantastical’s settings, then I mirrored every setting on the iPad … We used it … Join our mailing list and be the first to know when we have something exciting to share. Others might refuse to pay the price of admission for Fantastical 2 for iPad, which retails for $9.99 and is a separate app from its iPhone counterpart.

Popular calendar app Fantastical 2 for the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, was today updated to version 2.10, introducing full support for the recent iOS 12 and watchOS 5 updates. We only send a few emails per year and we'll never share your email with anyone else.

The latest to make the switch is Fantastical 3, which unites the previous iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and macOS apps into what’s essentially a single free download across all four platforms.

When popular apps make their way from the iPhone to the iPad, there’s always the question of how they will take advantage of the iPad’s much larger canvas.

Flexibits Mailing List.

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