5 comments. View Device specs Popular guides. 114. Use voice control. Let see some important settings we use daily routine life. The website says, "uninstall huawei assistant and restart the device", but when I looked for it in the settings I couldn't find it.

Huawei and Honor smartphone users can install the Assistant to get its benefit. Huawei P20 Pro Share guide: Link copied! Here’s how to use Smart assistance on Huawei P20 Pro and P20 Oreo 8.1. Huawei Health provides professional sports guidance for your sport(Phones with Android 4.4.4 and above are supported, but the RAM need to be greater than 2G). I just updated my phone and the Huawei Assistant replaced the Google Discover screen when I swipe to the left of my home screen.
share. Honor/Huawei App assistant (Has been removed in latest updates) FUN BAnK. Updated on June 4, 2020: Huawei Assistant is your phone’s personal assistant that provides you insights, a news feed, and more in one place. Choose settings for voice control. Support walking, running, cycling mode, record running track, heart rate, trajectory, with speed and other sports data. The reason for this is usually the following: If you have activated "Drawer" as the start screen style, i.e. Huawei has confirmed that existing devices – including the P30 and P20 series of mobile phones, the Mate 20 X 5G, plus tablets and PCs – will ‘continue to receive security patches, Android updates and Microsoft support’. 2. Now it is possible that this very phone app has suddenly disappeared. Tap the indicator next to "Google Assistant" to turn the function on or off. 1.

In this post, we have shared the download link of Huawei HiSuite latest version for Windows & Mac. Huawei P20 Pro Tips: Here's my 10 Essential Tips & Tricks to help you get the most out of your shiny new Huawei P20 or P20 Pro (including Face Unlock, Faster Animations & … Let’s get started the list of 8 best apps for Huawei P20 Pro and Huawei P20 Lite:-List of Top apps for Huawei P20 Pro and Huawei P20 Lite 1) ES File Explorer:-ES File Explorer has been given 4.6 stars out of 5 by 5,607,036 users. Support from 5 km to the marathon running training program. Follow below given step by step process to change default apps on Huawei P20 Pro and P20. Step 2 – In settings page, select Apps and Notifications then tap on Default apps option. This Huawei P20 Pro smart assistance feature include several useful settings such as accessibility, One handed UI, Motion control, Voice control, smart cover, Gloves mode, Scheduled power on/off settings. Step 4 – Select None though which the Google Assistant will be disabled. Step 3 – In Default apps select Assistant and Voice Input then select Assist App from which you can choose your default assistant. Huawei Assistant APK for EMUI 9.1 or above: Download Assistant Version […] xda-developers Huawei P20 Lite Huawei P20 Lite Questions & Answers Google Assistant Settings - Issue by B1naryBlaz3 XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. ... How to Enable App Assistant in Huawei Phones for Uninterrupted and ... Top 10 ESSENTIAL Huawei P20 & P20 … the Home screen and App menu are displayed separately, then it can happen that the phone app suddenly no longer exists on the start screen. Below you can download Huawei Assistant APK. If this is the case with your Huawei smartphone, you can add it again. Huawei HiSuite is the official Android Smart Device Manager tool developed by Huawei Mobile Inc.It allows users to connect their Huawei smartphones and tablets to PC and perform various tasks. It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. Disable Google Assistant On Huawei P20 Pro

... One of the best photo on my P20 Pro. In Huawei P20 Pro apps & notification settings, you can manage app permissions, change app defaults, app twin, notification management, notification & status bar customize.To get back default app again, clear default app in Huawei P20 Pro Oreo 8.1. 3. Device Help Huawei P20 Pro Apps and media.
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