Conclusion: The following table depicts various CHAR hive> select name, salary, taxes from employees where taxes > 0.2. john 5300.0 0.2. marry 9500.0 0.2. jack 15000.0 0.3.

Similar to Java, Hive supports both implicit type conversion and explicit type conversion.. Data types in Hive. Troubleshooting Hive queires can be complicated without the proper foundational knowledge of the Hive Data Types and how they are used in Big Data Envrionments. It is an alias for DOUBLE.

DOUBLE It is an 8-byte double-precision floating-point number. However, the reverse conversion is not allowed.

String Types String type data types can be specified using single quotes (' ') or double quotes (" ").

FLOAT It is a 4-byte single-precision floating-point number. It was introduced in Hive 0.11.0. I am having a Hive table with columns defined as double.

FLOAT. b. c. DOUBLE PRECISION It is an alias for DOUBLE. A single precision floating-point data type used in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements.. Syntax: In the column definition of a CREATE TABLE statement:. Decimal Types - These are assumed to be higher value than float point value with a range more than DOUBLE data type. 需求要求保留4位小数,查博客大多是sql用法,但是hive-sql和sql还是有区别的,不知道大家发现没有,hive里有个自动转整的功能,示例sql里SELECT1.0;结果是1.0hive-sql里SELECT1.0;结果是1hive-sql里截取两位小数的语句round

对 编程 人员 2113 来说,double 和 float 的区别是double精度 5261 高, 有 4102 效数字16位,float精度7 位。 但double消耗内存是float 的两 倍, 1653 double的运算速度比float慢得多,C语言中数学函数名称double 和 float不同,不要写错,能用单精度时不要用双精度(以省内存,加快运算速度)。

Hive follows C-types escape characters. Floating Point Types - These are assumed to be DOUBLE data types in the Hive. Primitive type conversion from a narrow to a wider type is known as implicit conversion. FLOAT (4-byte single precision floating point number) DOUBLE (8-byte double precision floating point number) DOUBLE PRECISION (alias for DOUBLE, only available starting with Hive 2.2.0) DECIMAL Introduced in Hive 0.11.0

Decimal data types store exact representations of numeric values, while DOUBLE data types store …

Trying your query through HUE, it returns 277.11000000000001. I'm using Hive (version 1.1.0-cdh5.10.1). The following gives brief overview of some data types present in Hive: hive 中的float和double.

5. It ranges between -10-308 to 10308. Then I tried it through beeline and I got the correct result (277.11). DECIMAL types support both scientific and non-scientific notations.

The Decimal, Double, and Float variable types are different in the way that they store the values. It is based on Java’s BigDecimal.

TINYINT,SMALLINT,INT,BIGINT,FLOAT和STRING都可以隐式 地转换成DOUBLE;是的你没看出,STRING也可以隐式地转换成DOUBLE!但是你要记住,BOOLEAN类型不能转换为其他任何数据类型!下标列出了Hive内置的数据 It contains two data types: VARCHAR and CHAR. hive> select cast(12345678910.231 as double); 1.2345678910231E10 Time taken: 0.164 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s) but need the value 12345678910.231 Even writing the result to a file works fine. Learn Step by Step how to implement Hive Data Types in your Hive quieries.

It is a 4-byte single-precision floating-point number. – Equivalent to Java’s float and double , and SQL’s Decimal respectively. It is an 8-byte double-precision floating-point number. Precision is the main difference where float is a single precision (32 bit) floating point data type, double is a double precision (64 bit) floating point data type and decimal is a 128-bit floating point data type. DECIMAL(5,2) represents total of 5 digits, out of which 2 are decimal digits. Null Values. The number of significant digits does not depend on the …

Range: 1.40129846432481707e-45 .. 3.40282346638528860e+38, positive or negative Precision: 6 to 9 significant digits, depending on usage. hongma 2017-09-26 原文. b) 0.2在hive中默认使用double 8字节,对应真实结果为 0.200000000001 c) taxex中作为float存储那么0.2对应真实结果为 0.2000001 d) 因此对上面查询必然会出现 float类型的0.2大于 double类型的 0.2因此出现 jon marry的查询结果。 Hive data types are categorized into two types.

Decimal Types (Decimal datatype was introduced in Hive 0.11.0): Decimal literals provide precise values and greater range for floating point numbers than the DOUBLE type. Type Size ----- TINYINT 1 byte SMALLINT 2 byte INT 4 byte BIGINT 8 byte FLOAT 4 byte (single precision floating point numbers) DOUBLE 8 byte (double precision floating point numbers) BOOLEAN TRUE/FALSE value STRING Max size is 2GB. In this post follow along the exmaples for using Hive Data Types if you queries.

It is only available starting with Hive 2.2.0. d. DECIMAL.

表employees中字段 taxes(税率)用类型float存储.

column_name FLOAT. I am loading data to these double columns with 2 scale of precision after decimal point from a HDFS sequence file. For example, in my HDFS sequence file my data is like - 100.23 or 345.00.

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