To change your IP address on Linux, use the “ifconfig” command followed by the name of your network interface and the new IP address to be changed on your computer. The second line, brings the link up.

To change settings of a network, we will make use of the same command with few more parameters. Additional parameters with ifconfig. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users. You should start learning ip now, since it’s about to become common everywhere. share ... ip addr del dev eth0 To remove all addresses (in case you have multiple): Using ip and netplan.

Example (Change to this, or add if doesn't exist): auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address [ip address goes here] netmask [netmask goes here] broadcast [for netmask, this should be x.x.x.255 where x from IP] (optional here, if this is will be your internet interface, "gateway [gateway addr]" goes here) I think that everybody should start using ip addr show because the ifconfig way is deprecated on recent linux systems and I noticed that ifconfig behaviour on a Lollipop Nexus 5 and Marshmallow Nexus 5X was different for ifconfig and netcfg, so ip addr show way was the only way I could get both working predictably. By default, Ubuntu 18.04 doesn’t use ifconfig anymore, and instead uses the new commands, ip and netplan. It only takes a minute to sign up. eth0:1) as was done with the now-obsolete ifconfig. Show your IP using ip. Since ifconfig is being phased out, it’s time to get used to the new system. Let’s write a command using ifconfig which will change the IP address of the network ‘enp0s3’ to and also changes the subnet mask

To assign the subnet mask, you can either add a “netmask” clause followed by the subnet mask or use the CIDR notation directly. linux networking. ip addr add dev eth1 ip link set eth1 up The first line, sets the IP, be sure to replace "" with the IP and mask bits, you need to use. Seems strange ifconfig is able to change IP address but has no option to clear it, or am I wrong? ip addr show. Add an IP address to my wireless interface (ip addr add) n2:~$ sudo ip a a dev wlan0 [sudo] password for bensley: Show my IP addresses again, note the additional IP on wlan0 ( ip addr ) ste's suggestion to use ioctl SIOCGIFADDR used to be technically correct, unfortunately it is unreliable for modern Linux systems, where a single interface can have multiple addresses without using sub-interfaces (e.g.

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