Titles range but are not limited to the classics, biographies, fairy tales, and works of non-fiction. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Titles range but are not limited to the classics, biographies, fairy tales, and works of non-fiction. Pearson English Readers have the largest collection of graded reader titles in the world. Kaufen können Sie die Reader über die Website des Stark-Verlags. Pearson Graded Readers are ideal as class readers, as part of a class library, or as part of a school library. Pearson English Readers Katalog. Inicio > English Language Teaching > Pearson English Readers. Flexible in nature, they can be used in the classroom, at home or even during the holidays so students keep in touch with English. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Teens and Adults Pearson English Active Readers and Pearson English Readers series offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Here you can find plenty ebooks in different digital formats: epub, fb2, mobi, rtf, txt, as well as audio books in mp3 format. With a wide range of appealing […] Titles range but are not limited to the classics, biographies, fairy tales, and works of non-fiction.

Pearson Graded Readers have the largest collection of graded reader titles in the world. Flexible in nature, they can be used in the classroom, at home or even during the holidays so students keep in touch with English. Überzeugen Sie sich von unserem umfangreichen Angebot zu den ELT Readern. Pearson Graded Readers are ideal as class readers, as part of a class library, or as part of a school library. Pearson English Graded Readers are an excellent tool to improve vocabulary, sentence structure and of course reading skills. Zum Herunterladen des Kataloges bitte hier klicken! Titles range but are not limited to the classics, biographies, fairy tales, and works of non-fiction. Pearson Graded Readers are ideal as class readers, as part of a class library, or as part of a school library.
4,1 von 5 Sternen 6. Taschenbuch 10,00 € 10,00 € Lieferung bis Montag, 30. Pearson Graded Readers have the largest collection of graded reader titles in the world. Level 1: Run For Your Life Book and CD Pack (Pearson English Readers, Level 1) von Stephen Waller | 20. Pearson English Readers are graded at seven levels of difficulty from Easystarts to Level 6. Passend zu jedem Reader gibt es auf der Produktseite Arbeitsblätter und Materialien für den Unterricht.

Gehen Sie mit Roadmap auf Kurs! English e-Reader is the biggest online library of graded e-books. Die Pearson English Readers sind vereinfachte Reader in Englisch zu den bekanntesten Werken der Literatur.

Nur noch 8 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs).

Pearson Graded Readers are ideal as class readers, as part of a class library, or as part of a school library. Der neue 8-stufige General English Kurs für Erwachsene. Februar 2008. Pearson English Readers have the largest collection of graded reader titles in the world.

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