Dua Lipa just dropped a fun, new five-minute workout video for her track "Physical". Filled with sweatbands and VHS workout video choreography, the Dua Lipa 'Physical' workout video is a true treat. Let’s be real, you can’t release a track where the chorus features the line “let’s get physical” without explicitly acknowledging that you’re making a reference to Olivia Newton-John’s hit single. British singer Dua Lipa just went one better, shooting her own ’80s-style workout …

Home » Celebrities » Dua Lipa's 'Physical' Remix Is Your New Workout Jam. The latest video for her single “Physical” doubles as a throwback to a classic ’80s workout. Dua Lipa's 'Physical' Remix Is Your New Workout Jam. Dua Lipa stars as a Jazzercise instructor wearing a yellow bodysuit with matching socks. Dua Lipa Lets Get Physical work-out video The new music video for the workout remix is inspired by the ’80s where the singer leads an aerobics class, old school style. 08/03/2020. If Dua Lipa ever needed to find another career path, a workout instructor is definitely in the cards for her. We're dubbing Dua Lipa the 2020 queen of retro workout tunes.

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