Also read about the Ruby hash, another important class which can be combined with arrays to write more interesting code.

.txt) one per line. a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] and I want to output the elements, to a file (e.g.

If I have an array of strings e.g. Ruby arrays can hold objects such as String, Integer, Fixnum, Hash, Symbol, even other Array objects. Ruby arrays grow automatically while adding elements to them. – John Avlakiotis Nov 16 '16 at 14:43 thanks that works as well, and a final question if you can help me, how would i print the just_langs in my index.html.erb, since I am using rails and it is part of what I … Thankfully the data is perfectly valid YAML, so Ruby's YAML parser can read it just fine.

require 'yaml' data = YAML.load_file '' data.sort_by{|hash| hash[:key1]} Your file looks quite a bit like JSON data, but includes a few minor formatting differences that make using a JSON parser impossible.

Reference Documentation Official API Documentation The official Ruby API documentation for different versions including the currently unreleased (trunk) version. And something simpler, how about if I wanted instead of a hash just to make an array with the Long names? Add each array element to the lines of a file in ruby.

Ask Question Asked 6 years, 8 months ago. Ruby Core Reference Pulled straight from the source code using RDoc, this reference work documents all of the core classes and modules (like String, Array, Symbol, etc…).

Your question is unclear, are you asking how to define an array as part of ruby source code, or how to serialize an array on the disk ? Make sure to practice creating an array, adding elements to it, accessing elements by index, etc.

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Viewed 45k times 41.

– Jean Jul 22 '10 at 11:58 I am talking about the latter. 9.

Ruby arrays are very useful and they will be a powerful ally by your side.

Ruby arrays are not as rigid as arrays in other languages.

Active 3 years ago.

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