If every fields (which synonymous with column in Excel) in current row (lets say row_X) has no record or no data then current row will be deleted. So I wrote VBA Code to automate deletion of Blank Row process. Ist klar logisch und überzeugend. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks; Thread Tools. ListObject) and its columns when coding in VBA. Using ADO with ListObject's QueryTable posted Feb 9, 2013, 8:35 AM by Craig Hatmaker [ updated Aug 10, 2017, 8:58 AM ] Excel Programming / VBA / Macros [SOLVED] Set listobject as ADODB object and use sql on this. I want to use vba to query this data using SQL statements. Reale Problemstellung. Each sheet has data starting at A1 and for all intent & purpose looks like a table, i.e. If every fields (which synonymous with column in Excel) in current row (lets say row_X) has no record or no data then current row will be deleted. I want to use vba to query this data using SQL statements. Worksheets, tables and their columns can be referenced by their name or index number.

The code below will check every fields on a specific row of a ListObject (a table in Excel). Here is the code : Page 2 of 3 First 1 2 3 Last.

First row has column descriptors. Betrifft: mit VBA intelligente Tabelle ansprechen von: Enno Geschrieben am: 29.08.2016 14:38:54.

Du hast mir ja abgeraten weil es unflexibler (bei Namensänderung, muss es in VBA noch mal geändert werden), es langsamer ist und es das für Zeillen sowieso nicht gibt. Each sheet has data starting at A1 and for all intent & purpose looks like a table, i.e. Problem: Ich habe eine intelligente Tabelle erstellt und möchte diese per VBA … So I wrote VBA Code to automate deletion of Blank Row process. Using SQL against listObject I have a workbook with several sheets. Here is the code : First row has column descriptors. By camwallace VBA 3 Comments. The code below will check every fields on a specific row of a ListObject (a table in Excel). I've tried several approaches, but all end with an empty recordset. This is about how to the reference a table (a.k.a. Show Printable Version; Subscribe to this Thread… Rate This Thread. I've tried several approaches, but all end with an empty recordset. consistently populated along continuous columns and rows. Using SQL against listObject I have a workbook with several sheets. Hallo Forumler, ich beginne gerade mir ein paar VBA-Kenntnisse anzueignen, um mir das Leben mit Excel zu vereinfachen. LinkBack. Home VBA Referencing ListObjects (tables) with VBA. Wenn ich von einem ListObject eine Zeile in ein anderes ListObject in einem anderen Blatt kopieren will. Referencing ListObjects (tables) with VBA. Ein paar Dinge klappen auch schon, wobei mir sicherlich auch Grundlagenwissen fehlt. consistently populated along continuous columns and rows.

Jump to page: Results 16 to 30 of 32 Set listobject as ADODB object and use sql on this.

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