Problem is, it's checking the WSUS server and it's saying that no language pack are available.

To make things worse, even after installing them, they still show as "needed" in WSUS. Ahhhhhhhhhhh did not see that for some reason. The update in question is the English Language Pack (KB2607607) and I can't seem to get it installed either through WSUS or by manually installing on the client. Type Language in the search bar located at the top right corner of Control panel and click on language. I'm currently using a wsus server on my domain. I'm currently using a wsus server on my domain.

Also, say I am to untick "Feature Packs" in WSUS. See Important update for WSUS 4.0 (KB 3095113) for more information. We are configuring WSUS to store updates locally and to use express installation files . Problem is, it's checking the WSUS server and it's saying that no language pack are available.

A Win8/8.1 or Server 2012/R2 box will "need" all language packs (both currently released revisions at that, no supercedence) but won't install them unless you do it manually. When you install Windows 10 using SETUP.EXE, or any time you install a new feature update either using SETUP.EXE from media or installing via the Windows Update agent, the installation process will attempt to grab a set of additional “stuff” to make the installation process go as smoothly as possible.

For this example, we are using the English language. Surely, this will eventually lead to a tipping point where I'm running an unsupported version of Windows 10 and am forced to install them anyway or am I confusing that with the "Upgrades" classification.

2) Disable the scheduled task. I ended up going with the disabling wsus option.

The settings panel just doesn't install the language packs.

Hi - Our WSUS has been working fine but there are now 20 Windows 8 clients reporting only 99% installed with 1 update needed. If you do not install the language dependent patch, you may encounter missing or incorrect functionality.

Hopefully Microsoft will release the updates soon, then these workarounds are not required

I have Windows 10 Pro installed from an EN-US iso. Right now, we use WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) to push out updates to all users. Before the reinstall, I was using other language packs without any issue. In addition to the language neutral package, the .NET Framework 4.7.2 Language Packs are also available on Windows Update. It is used with SCCM 2012 R2 (as per the sccm 2012 installation documentation to use SCCM to deploy updates).

But language packs are not updated after the release.

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