Because the IUSR account is a built-in account, the IUSR account no longer requires a password. Its enabled for the Home server and the default site, (there is also a windows authentication on the default site, ive tried that enabled and disabled but no luck) I am going to see if I can copy the IIS_IUSER group policy by downloading the Group Policy Management Console from another computer running Server 2008 (non R2) then import it to the current one to see if that may help. IIS 7.0 replaces the IUSR_MachineName account and the IIS_WPG group with the IIS_IUSRS group to ensure that the actual names that are used by the new account and group will never be localized. The IUSR account resembles a network or local service account. In IIS7, the built-in group, IIS_IUSRS, has been granted access all the necessary file and system resources. On all previous machines, I have set up the PHP site to run in the Default Application Pool, and then given permission to the IIS_IUSRS group to read the entire site and to write to those directories. A built-in account and group are guaranteed by the operating system to always have a unique SID.

If you create a website, and then point the physical location to C:\inetpub\wwwroot, the following users and groups are automatically added to the site's a ccess control lists. IIS_IUSRS is a built-in group that is used by Internet Information Services beginning with IIS 7.0. IIS_IUSRS group missing. Additionally, a group that is named IIS_IUSRS replaces the IIS_WPG group. So far, this has worked on all of the previous servers I have used. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. After installing IIS7 in Windows 2008, it can be seen under the Computer Management System Tools Local User and GroupsGroups. The accounts that run as "application pool identities" no longer have to be an explicit part of the IIS_IUSRS group. A built-in account and group are guaranteed by the operating system to always have a unique SID. IIS 7.0 replaces the IUSR_MachineName account and the IIS_WPG group with the IIS_IUSRS group to ensure that the actual names that are used by the new account and group will never be localized. If the FTP 6 … The IUSR_MachineName account is created and used only when the FTP 6 server that is included on the Windows Server 2008 DVD is installed.

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