Xamarin.FireBase.iOS.Analytics; Create class FirebaseAnalytics in iOS project FirebaseAnalytics.cs Note: Go to Run -> Run With -> Custom Configuration and add the following to Extra mlaunch Arguments: Finally Add the Click Event in MainPage.xaml.cs Click the "Play" button to try it out. The Firebase SDK is a dependency of the App Center SDK, so if you wish to use the App Center Push, you need to add Firebase dependencies by using the following steps. Note If you are a Firebase customer and already use Firebase features, you can skip the following steps. At the heart of Firebase is Google Analytics, a free and unlimited analytics solution. But there is no proper document to configure firebase with xamarin.
2.2. But we found an official Firebase nuget package Xamarin.Firebase.Analytics has been available for analytics which is provided by microsoft.. If you choose to create a new account, select your Analytics reporting location, then accept the data sharing settings and Google Analytics terms for your project. There is no official documentation for analytics integration with xamarin. mvvm mvvmcross cross xamarin android ios monodroid monotouch xamarin.android xamarin.ios plugin This package contains the 'TextSelection' plugin for MvvmCross Xamarin. Now, add the following NuGet package in your iOS project. When prompted, select to use an existing Google Analytics account or to create a new account. In your PCL (or .NETStandard) project create the interface. Xamarin Forms – Adding Google Firebase Analytics for Android If you are looking to do this in iOS, head over to my Google Firebase for iOS post . You can always set up Google Analytics later in the Integrations tab of your settings Project settings. The FirebaseAnalytics class is the heart of all firebase configuration that provides method for logging events and setting user properties. Check out the list of default events tracked by Firebase SDK. Only Xamarin Google Analytics Sample is available officially.. Currently it provides following methods: Google Analytics is a free app measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement. Given that you cannot add new applications to Google app Analytics, you either have to move to another analytics processor or to use Google Firebase Analytics .

Let us first obtain the FirebaseAnalytics singleton instance. Tracking User Events. In the Android and iOS project write the plaftorm specific code; In your viewmodels, use DI in the PCL (or .NETStandard) project to call the LogEvent method to store your event; Note: Custom events are slow to appear in firebase, in my experience they need 24 hours to appear in the web console. Xamarin; javascript; rsk; Tags js javascript xamarin rsk mobile blockchain web3 ios ethereum android rsksmart rns rif wallet unit-test telegram tdd social smartcontracts rif-storage react node nifty metamask js-beginners ipfs integration-test googleanalytics google goodpractice fs firebase file-system distributed class bot analytics Google Analytics plat_ios plat_android plat_web plat_cpp plat_unity.
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