As a standalone story it's …

fault - milestone one.

Fault is a series of Science Fantasy Cinematic Novels using a unique 3D Camera system for a visually immersive reading experience, which follow the story of … All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. Fault milestone one had Steam trading card support added on 22 January 2015. Available now Redeem game code. Follow the grand science fantasy story of Selphine and the gang as […] but also it's nowhere near perfect.

fault - milestone one. fault - milestone one leaves me wanting MORE!

fault is a Science Fantasy Kinetic Novel about Selphine, a bubbly, happy-go-lucky Princess and her sharp-witted but slightly misanthropic Royal Guard Ritona. I loved the game and was completely hooked but I love me a fault - milestone one leaves me wanting MORE! Fault Milestone Two is a Cinematic Visual Novel that takes place right after the events of fault milestone one.
Fault milestone two side:above also has Steam trading card support. but also it's nowhere near perfect.
fault - milestone one / VISUAL UPDATE 2018 The fault series is an episodic Visual Novel series created by ALICE IN DISSONANCE that has sold over 480,000 copies worldwide. $14.99 Buy download. There are 7 cards in the series, and you'll receive 4 cards at random for purchasing and playing the game. fault milestone one Game | PS4 - PlayStation With the addition of a new 3D camera system, fault milestone two aims to introduce a more immersive and “larger than life” reading experience. I loved the game and was completely hooked but I love me a good story and the characters were likeable and cute with a great artstyle. Milestone One of Fault is an interesting story, but it fails as a first episode: it doesn't properly set up the main characters, villains or setting.

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