by Mojiken Studio \\ for Steam. Steam YouTube See more stats on Game DB IsThereAnyDeal Explore rural Indonesia and enjoy its relaxing atmosphere with a hint of supernatural events. A Space For The Unbound Game mô phỏng tình yêu, cuộc sống Phát hành: Toge Productions A Space For The Unbound là game phiêu lưu lát cắt cuộc sống với đồ họa vẽ tay Pixel-art thú vị, bối cảnh là vùng …
Experience the prologue chapter of A Space For The Unbound This is the prologue chapter and proof of concept of A Space For The Unbound , an upcoming slice-of-life adventure game with beautiful pixel art set in the late 90s rural Indonesia that tells a story about overcoming anxiety, depression, and the relationship between a boy and a girl with supernatural powers.

A Space for the Unbound. High school is ending and the world is ending with it. Adventure.

Throwback to the 90s!
Key Features.

Cancel Unsubscribe. Prologue chapter of A Space For The Unbound, an upcoming slice-of-life adventure game with beautiful pixelart set in the late 90s rural Indonesia that tells a story about overcoming anxiety, depression, and the relationship between a boy and a girl with supernatural powers. Loading... Unsubscribe from Aga i my Steam Curators? Let us take you to Indonesia in the late 90s.

GENRE. Set in a small town inspired by 90s era rural Indonesia, A Space for The Unbound presents an endearing story-driven experience with a vibrant environment waiting to be explored. Gry STEAM kuratora 403 odc - A Space For The Unbound - Prologue Aga i my Steam Curators. checking out this demo, now available for a really limited time on the steam game festival. DESCRIPTION. -- Watch live at A Space for the Unbound is a slice-of-life adventure in rural Indonesia By Rachel Watts 05 February 2020 The prologue is free and available to download over on Steam.

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