Special Price $64.78.

Every Apple Watch comes with one year of hardware repair coverage through its limited warranty and up to 90 days of complimentary support. I purchased AppleCare+ with apple watch series 4 for my wife’s birthday. Regular Price $79.00. The Apple Watch Series 5 also sports Apple’s newest S5 processor, making it even more speedy than the already-capable Series 4. When we send you a replacement Apple Watch through Express Replacement Service, you need to return your originally purchased product to us within 10 business days. The latest Apple Watch, the Series 5, is our choice for best smartwatch of 2020, with the Series 3 and 4 not far behind in specs, features, and performance. The Apple Watch Series 5 smartwatch sits alongside the Apple Watch Series 3.Both are available in GPS only and GPS and Cellular versions, as well as different sizes - … Introducing Apple Watch Series 5. As expected, the Watch 5 comes with quite a handful of changes, a new WatchOS 6, more activity tracking features and a faster processor for the … AppleCare+ for Apple Watch Series 4 & 5. Apple has announced the Apple watch series 5, it’s the company’s latest smartwatch that succeeds the now discontinued Apple watch series 4, and is set to be the Apple’s flag bearer on the smartwatch market for perhaps a few months to come. The watch is terrific, I wish I could say the same for purchasing AppleCare through Amazon. AppleCare+ for Apple Watch Series 4 and 5 (2 Years) from Amazon.com Services LLC (591) ... Software support for watchOS and Apple-branded Apple Watch apps and connecting to iPhone, including iOS and the Apple Watch app; AppleCare products must be purchased with an applicable Apple device. First off if you want to use 6 month financing for the watch, you have to purchase AppleCare separately otherwise their is a hard stop. You’ve never seen a watch like this. If we don’t receive it after 10 days, we'll charge you the full replacement value, as shown below.

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