Der Backslash (englisch, zusammengesetzt aus: back = rückwärts und slash = Schrägstrich) – seltener auch Rückschlag, Rückstrich, Gegenschrägstrich, Rückschrägstrich, „linksseitiger“, „umgekehrter“ oder „rückwärtiger Schrägstrich“ genannt – ist das Schriftzeichen „\“. Thread Starter. The UK variant of the IBM Enhanced keyboard commonly used with personal computers designed for Microsoft Windows differs from the US layout as follows: . Using the US keyboard layout in the guest VM maps most of the letters to what's printed on the UK keyboard. The "traditional" location above the single-row Enter key; 2. Joined Oct 4, 2003 Messages 61. It … e.g. It is located above the Enter key (Return key), and below the Backspace key.

Auf einer US-Tastatur gibt es keine Alt Gr-Taste. Auf der folgenden Abbildung sehen Sie den Schreibmaschinenblock einer US-Tastatur. 1.

Es gibt keine Alt Gr-Tastenkombinationen.

View our Welcome Guide to learn how to use this site. Doesn't map to the US keyboard. Pressing this key creates a backslash. Shift + 2 = " (which is the UK layout if you refer to the picture RedWingFan posted above not the US which you would expect). It has the ASCI code of 92, so you can generate it by holding the ALT key down and typing 092 on the numeric keypad, which may be marginally quicker than Insert | Symbol. Solved: Can't find back slash on an american keyboard Thread starter hoopy_1888; Start date Mar 31, 2005; Status This thread has been Locked and is not open to further replies.
It is also not uncommon for this key to be directly below the Backspace key and above the Enter key.

I presume you don't have it on your keyboard. For all this time I thought \ was the backslash key, but I guess not. How to create a backslash Creating the \ symbol on a U.S. keyboard. An ihrer Position befindet sich eine zweite Alt-Taste. H. hoopy_1888.

Please start a New Thread if you're having a similar issue.
On English PC and Mac keyboards, the backslash key is also the pipe key. On other brands of keyboards that mimic the IBM extended layout, I have seen the \ key appear in five different locations. Ok you guys must think I'm reaaly stupid [wink] I'm trying to find the backslash key on an American Dell QuietKey keyboard. Die Unterschiede zu einer deutschen Tastatur sind hervorgehoben. Windows keyboards. Unterschiede US-Tastatur zu deutscher Tastatur.

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