Scratch Month!

( As young people create and share Scratch projects, they learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively, while also learning important mathematical and computational ideas. We invite you to imagine, create, and share along with us in the Scratch online community.

Imagine. Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch.

With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations.Whether you are new to Scratch or a long-time user, we invite you to imagine what you would like to create.

We hope Scratch Month brings a playful spirit to those Scratching around the world! Scratch Month is a global celebration of Scratch! These values can be either numbers or strings — any text. With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch, Boston, Massachusetts. Getting Started with Scratch. Users create scripts by dragging and dropping graphical blocks that snap together like puzzle pieces. 35K likes. Variables can only hold one value at a time, unlike lists. Scratch is a free, downloadable application that lets users combine graphics, photos, music, and sound to create simple interactive animations, games, and slide shows.

Scratch is a programming language and online community that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, games, and animations—and share your creations online.

Signature; The link one uses to change their signature. These games are already created by advanced developers, check soon for user scratch and editing user games creation.

How to Participate. These games are short, 5-15 minute experiences, each made as a polished vertical slice of gameplay.

[raw] The games available on this page were all created by students of the MIT Game Lab and for research purposes.

Featured Article (variable::variables) Variable ; A variable is a changeable value recorded in Scratch's memory.

Every day the scratch games team try to add new games to play against the computer or in 2 players in this way you will stay updated with last scratch games on website. Find out how these games were made and how they're used by our researchers! Scratch@MIT 2018; The Scratch Team at the Scratch@MIT 2018 Conference. Scratch in Practice (SiP) shares ideas and materials from the Scratch Team and educators around the world. They can then post their creations on the Scratch site, where others can view and download them.

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