Weitere Infos. Family Link. Whether it’s time to go play outside, have dinner, or just spend time together, you can remotely lock a device whenever it’s time to take a break. Prova Family Link, l'app gratuita di Google per il controllo genitori. You can change your child's settings to stop Google from saving this type of activity, but doing so may mean some Family Link features and other Google services won't work.

Weitere Informationen dazu, wie Sie ein Google-Konto für Ihr Kind erstellen (in Deutschland für Kinder jünger als 16, in vielen Ländern gilt ein anderes Mindestalter für Google-Konten) und welche Möglichkeiten Sie mit den Family Link-Tools haben, finden Sie in unseren Hinweisen für Eltern. Das hilft ihnen dabei, sich beim Lernen, Spielen und Surfen in der Onlinewelt zurechtzufinden. 2 hr 15 min. Prueba Family Link, la aplicación de control parental gratuita de Google. Get Started. Currently, the app is live in 30 countries around the world such as Canada, Brazil, Japan, and more. Learn More. Con l'app Family Link imposti da remoto, con il tuo dispositivo, le regole di base della vita digitale per seguire i tuoi figli mentre imparano, giocano e navigano sul Web. Con la aplicación Family Link, puedes usar tu propio dispositivo android para establecer normas básicas que guíen a tus hijos (niños o adolescentes) mientras aprenden, juegan y descubren en Internet. The app will soon be … Create a family group with up to six family members and get the most out of Google, together. Lock their device. Tuesday.

Jetzt ausprobieren: Die kostenlose Family Link-App für Eltern von Google. Monitor Google activity on your child's account. Create a Google Account for your kid, and stay in the loop as they explore on their device. Ob deine Kinder schon Teenager oder noch jünger sind – die Family Link App unterstützt dich dabei, von deinem eigenen Gerät aus Grundregeln für den Umgang deiner Kinder mit digitalen Medien aufzustellen. Scarica l'app solo su dispositivi usati da un bambino o ragazzo. As a parent, you can use Family Link to do things like: Change some of your child's Google Account settings; Manage your child's apps on supervised devices: Decide which apps your child can download or purchase, block or allow apps, and change app permissions. *Crianças e adolescentes podem executar o Family Link em determinados dispositivos Android … Apply. Prova Family Link, l'app gratuita di Google per il controllo genitori. Manage your child's apps on supervised devices: Decide which apps your child can download or purchase, block or allow apps, and change app permissions. For children under 13 (or the applicable age of consent in your country), Family Link also lets you create a Google Account for your child that's like your account, with access to most Google services.

Based on the Google activity settings you chose for your child, Google may save some activity to your child's Google Account. Whether your children are adolescents or young adults, the Family Link app lets you set digital ground rules remotely from your own device to help guide them as they learn, play and explore online. Family Link per bambini e adolescenti è l'app complementare di Family Link per genitori. With Family Link parental controls, you can: Guide them to good content • View app their activity - Not all screen time is the same. Google Family Link for children & teens • View app their activity - Not all screen time is the same. Family Link lets you set time limits and a bedtime for their device, so you can help them find a good balance.

Saiba tudo sobre como criar uma Conta do Google para seu filho (menor de 13 anos ou a idade mínima no seu país) e as ferramentas que o Family Link fornece na nossa divulgação para pais. YouTube Music Premium family plans. Google also announced that Family Link is expanding globally. As a parent, you can use Family Link to do things like: Change some of your child's Google Account settings. Con l'app Family Link imposti da remoto, con il tuo dispositivo, le regole di base della vita digitale per seguire i tuoi figli mentre imparano, giocano e navigano sul Web. Try the free Family Link parental controls app from Google.

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